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  • Writer's pictureCarrie Lynn


I am new to this blog thing so bear with me! I'd like to start by introducing myself. I am a passionate, loving, friendly, charismatic woman that has a thirst for all parts of life. I enjoy being with my family and friends, being in nature, watching and loving animals, but most of all, helping people is my reason for living! Any chance I am given to be helpful to someone makes me feel as though I am living my purpose. As a cosmetologist and wellness advocate, I am able to do this every day and I am so thankful to have the ability to do so.

My name is Carrie Lynn and I have been a cosmetologist for 10 years at this point. I don't want you all to view me as just that though, I am also a mother, a sister, an aunt, a daughter, a friend, and I'm sure many other titles. My family and friends really keep me grounded as I move through life. My greatest blessing, my daughter, guides me on how to help others so much more than she will ever know. There are no words to describe the amount of thanks I have for my creator for giving me the life I am living. I hope that I am able to guide you in anyway I am capable of. Whether it is for outer beauty or inner beauty, if you have a question, please ask! I will answer you the best of my ability. Sidenote-- I LOVE questions, a little too much in some people's eyes, lol, and I'm okay with that. I have been know as a why person for many years and truly appreciate all who have entertained answering my why's!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Some will be long, some will be extremely short, but all in all, I will do my best to help you achieve the best you possible!

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